Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Ten Tips to Manage Heat Stress - from the Road Readie Job Site

It goes with the territory - road crews working in the heat of the summer. Road Readie Paving always places safety first on the job site and so we have some experience with handling heat stress. The bottom line is awareness; of weather conditions, job site conditions, and employee health.

Here's a comprehensive look at Heat Stress for workers exposed to high temperatures and humidity outside or inside the workplace. It's produced by the Occupational Health and Safety Council of Ontario.

Ten Tips for Managing Heat Stress:
  1. Train workers to recognize the signs and
    symptoms of heat stress and to know how to
    avoid them.
  2. Provide water nearby on the job site and ensure
    everyone drinks about one cup of water every 20
    to 30 minutes, even if they’re not thirsty
  3. Allow time for workers to acclimatize to the heat
    and the work. This usually takes about two weeks
  4. Encourage workers to use a buddy system
    — each buddy looks out for early signs and
    symptoms of heat stress in the other
  5. If possible, postpone strenuous work until a
    cooler time of the day.
  6. If work is done outside, ensure that shaded areas
    are available.
  7. Rotate workers in and out of hot work areas
    whenever possible
  8. Avoid eating large meals before working in hot
  9. Avoid alcohol or beverages with caffeine. These
    make the body lose water and increase the risk of
    heat stress.
  10. Wear light clothing that permits the evaporation
    of sweat (e.g., cotton clothing). Use sunscreen and
    cover your head if working outside.


Road Readie Paving is committed to the safety of their employees on the job site. We have decades of experience in residential and commercial paving projects. Call us for an estimate 705-719-0074. Support Local Businesses!

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