Thursday 20 June 2013

Recycled Materials in Asphalt - makes the news

Recycling asphalt and using other recycled materials in asphalt makes environmental sense and saves billions of dollars in material costs. This is an area of the asphalt industry that continues to develop and mature in the USA and Canada.

The CBC video below describes how Vancouver will be the first city to use recycled plastic in asphalt paving.

"Vancouver will be the first-ever city to use blue box recycled plastics as asphalt mix on the city's roads, in a move engineers say is a green step forward.

Old plastic milk jugs, yogurt containers and other post-consumer recyclable material will be ground up and made into a wax which then used as a warm mix for asphalt.

"It's actually a lot like crayon wax and what we are doing with this is putting it in the asphalt which we are putting down today," explained Vancouver city engineer Peter Judd at a Kingsway paving site"

In the USA a recent survey concluded that the use of recycled materials in asphalt saved taxpayers more than $2.2 billion dollars. Read about the survey at the National Asphalt Pavement Associations website.

With over 30 years of experience serving the Barrie and Simcoe area, Road Readie Paving has built a reputation second to none. If you are needing asphalt for you next construction project, call Road Readie Paving for a free quote. 705-719-0074

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